33rd Democratic Club February 16th Meeting

Please join us for our next monthly meeting on Thursday, February 16th  
from 6:15  p.m. to 8 p.m.
at Hella's Restaurant, 8498 Veterans Highway, Millersville, MD
6:15  pm - 6:45 pm (Social, Dinner menu available)
6:45 pm - 7 pm (Business Meeting)
7 pm - 8 pm (Program)

Our speaker will be Tyler Redenbaugh from the Maryland Democratic Party headquarters.
Tyler is originally from Iowa but was most recently field director for the Maryland Democratic Party's 2016 Coordinated Campaign. He has done non-profit and political organizing for Planned Parenthood as well as worked on campaigns in the battleground states of Arkansas and Iowa.
This will be an opportunity to dialogue with Tyler on issues of importance at the local and national level and engage in strategies to make sure the Trump administration's war on the poor, middle class, women's health, minorities, public schools (I could go on....) does not succeed.

As always please check out our website, follow the club on Twitter, and like and share our Facebook page: 

website - www.33dems.org
Twitter - @D33Dems
Facebook - 33rd Democratic Club Maryland
February 16, 2017 at 6:15pm - 8:15pm
Hella's Restaurant
8498 Veterans Hwy
Millersville, MD 21108
United States
Google map and directions