We need your help!
Become a Neighborhood Captain and organize your community
Help us get out the vote and increase turnout
Volunteer to register voters in the Latino community
Activate newly registered voters in the District
Encourage people who vote by absentee ballot to participate in the 2017 election
Who's volunteering
Kristopher Jenner
Mary McClellan
Peter Martin
Diana Vasilakis
Rosemary Hodges
Cecile Taylor
Lindsay Donahue
Matthew Johnston
David Enos
Samantha Heald
Elizabeth Davis
Nilda Roth
candyce Harris
Marty Chambliss
Mary Lou Janota
Ronald Scheeler
Ronald Scheeler
Dorna Cooper
Laura Morris
Rebecca Hawes
Kendall Ann Combs
Mary Till
Mary Till
Keith Taylor
Tina Lavato
Mary Jo McNamara
Andres Aviles
Eileen Hoover
Bridget Gallagher
Elizabeth Bublitz
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